Category: Rural tourism

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Here's Fairway Drawings 2021

Of 7 al 9 of November, AGATUR the Galician Rural Tourism Association will be present at the IV Forum of the Camino de

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'Outono Gastronómico' in Rural Tourism of Galicia

One more year the 'Outono Gastronómico' returns to Galicia. This program, that already reaches its XV edition, will have

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15 Gastromic Autumn in Rural Tourism in Galicia

Another year, the Gastromic Autumn in Rural Tourism in Galicia offers you the possibility of enjoying a tasty

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Covid de la Xunta insurance that covers tourists

Regulated tourist establishments in Galicia, like hotels, hostels, hostels, tourist apartments and

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La Xunta publica la guía "Sendas para descubrir un país"

The Xunta de Galicia, through Turismo de Galicia, has just reissued the hiking brochure Sendas para

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Gastronomic proposals for Carnival in Galicia

Carnival, Antroido, Introid, Carnival 2021. A whole world of magic that revolutionizes the quiet life of

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A strategic plan or Marshall plan for aid and cooperation

It is paramount that depending on the different possible scenarios (from the most optimistic to the most pessimistic) they can

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