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A strategic plan or Marshall plan for aid and cooperation

It is paramount that depending on the different possible scenarios (from the most optimistic to the most pessimistic) they can fight so that the deficiencies by the closures of the hotel businesses can be more trivial and less expensive. Businesses ranging from married to 90% from self-employed and small SMEs to large companies. In the situations we are living in […]

Informative note in the event of reservations for nightlife meetings

INFORMATION NOTE In the event of possible cases of rental reservations in Rural Tourism establishments, for covert nightlife meetings, during holidays and weekends, activities that have nothing to do with the mission of these establishments, AGATUR does not have any information about these actions. The establishments do not rent the house for [...]

AGATUR recommendation against the pandemic situation Covid-19

AGATUR (Galician Association of Rural Tourism) recommends the closure of all Rural Tourism establishments, whether or not they are associated, until the Covid-19 pandemic situation is under control and the health authorities confirm that there is no risk of contagion. For this reason, our establishments must carry it out despite the […]

Rent by rooms in tourist apartments

COMMUNICATION Galician Rural Tourism Association A few days ago this rural tourism association AGATUR has learned of the recent ruling of the Supreme Court by which the rule by which the Xunta de Galicia prevented renting rooms in tourist flats is annulled. As well, The first thing we want to make clear is […]