All posts by: ComunicacionAgatur

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AGATUR recommendation against the pandemic situation Covid-19

AGATUR (Galician Association of Rural Tourism) recommends the closure of all Rural Tourism establishments,

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Carnival, carnival, introido, Shrovetide carnival in Galicia

Whatever his name is, depending on the geographical point of Galicia where we are, the truth is that I know

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Romantic getaway in February

Romantic getaway in February, in Galicia. To make that special someone is really happy.

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Cross selling a tourist destination | Path of the Stars

We note that next Tuesday 10 December day be held "CROSS SELLING IN A DESTINATION

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Snow breaks in Galicia: the best places to enjoy

Although it is not usual for it to snow in Galicia, there are mountainous areas where it is possible to find snow in season

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Rent by rooms in tourist apartments

COMUNICACIÓN Asociación Galega de Turismo Rural Hace unos días esta asociación de turismo rural

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IBTM fate of Galicia in Barcelona and Valladolid Intur

The tourist destination Galicia was presented this past week in two of the most popular annual tourist markets

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Galicia a destination made for you

Finisterre in Ribeira Sacra, natural wonders that seem drawn from another planet, between cliffs

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International World Heritage Day

He 16 November 1972 It was signed in Paris

Heritage Convention World Cultural and Natural, what

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